Monday, April 7, 2014

Celebrating Mother's Day with a Tea Party

Not that we need any excuse to have a tea party, but Mother's Day does make a perfect one. When we gather together for a Mother's Day celebration, we usually plan it around a meal. While a tea party isn't typically considered a meal, it's still a nice event with food.

With Mother's Day always on a Sunday, the brunch restaurants go crazy with the reservations and traffic. So why fight that kind of crowd? And why put together a whole meal yourself? A tea party doesn't require the same kind of work as making a whole meal.

If a mid-Sunday morning works great for your mother and family, that's a wonderful time to have a tea party. But mid-afternoon works wonderfully as well.

In my family, tea parties weren't part of our family traditions. Although my mother loved tea and enjoyed her relaxing tea time, she never thought of tea parties as events. So the first year all of her daughters put together a Mother's Day tea party for her, she was delighted.

The Mother's Day tea party continued as an annual event. Some years, we got very creative with unusual themes, other years we went with wonderful formal tea parties. There were times when we tried to outdo each other in our creativeness.

Yes, we did invite the men to our tea parties. And most of the time, they shared it with us. But, it typically ended up with the men in one room and us women in another. That turned out great though. We all got to have some mother/daughter time together. All over tea and treats.

Plan a Mother's Day tea party this year for your own mother. That fun excuse to have a tea party will delight just about everyone. Well, maybe not the men in the family, but certainly your mother.

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