Friday, September 27, 2013

Having Halloween Fun with Creepy Cloth

If you haven't discovered creepy cloth for your Halloween decorating, then you are in for a treat. This stuff is great and so easy to use to get that overly old and cobweb covered look.

I love creepy cloth and fun ways you can use to it decorate for a spooky and eerie feel. Not just for parties, I also decorate my home all through the month of October with fun and crazy Halloween stuff. Creepy cloth is just the most fun to work with.

My favorite trick is to put up a chunk of creepy cloth in a very pale color into a corner between ceiling and wall. Then I put in a large spider and have her looking at the room. When I go for a more spooky feel, I like to have the hair kind of spider. If I go for a more fun, or kid-oriented, decor, then my spider has a smile on her face and she doesn't intend to look real.

When you go to use creepy cloth, make sure you stretch the fabric around. It's made from a very open weave cloth so there is plenty of room to make it look like old decaying fabric. Create holes in various places where you stretch. That will give you a spookier effect.

If you like to use creepy cloth to imitate old spider webs, then stretch the fabric more evenly. But, get a more open effect in the weave. You will have great fun with your family and guests.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Setting a Ghoulish Mood with Halloween Party Invitations

Halloween parties are great fun and quite popular, too, for both kids and grown-ups. If you want to have a scary or creepy Halloween party, then you definitely want to have ghoulish party invitations.

Choosing the invitations will also set the tone or mood of the party. For Halloween, you can go with a more friendly or happy type of party that includes smiling pumpkins and happy cupcakes.

But, if it's scary, you want creepy cloth spread around with large spiders tucked in. You want severed fingers and Zombie brains for the look of the food. That's when you want to have creepy invitations.

You want your guests to know what kind of party they will in for. Many of your guests will pick their costume to work with your party theme. So making sure they know in advance that this will be a spooky Halloween party is best.

Be considerate of your guests, as well. If you are allowing young children to be part of your party, tone down the creepiness. You don't want to scare them. Many adults could be freaked out by too much of the gory and scary stuff as well.

If you know your guests will be able to handle and get into the fun of your Halloween party, then by all means go all out. Those are the most fun as far as I'm concerned. That's why I usually have the grossest and scariest parties I can put together. And I send out ghoulish party invitations to make sure my guests are prepared.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fun Ghoulish Treats with Halloween Cookbooks

No matter how much you enjoy Halloween, there always comes a time when you want to do something fun or new. With my parties each year, I seem to have a reputation for the food. Friends talk about what creepy or crazy new recipe will I have this year.

I am now armed with a bunch of Halloween cookbooks to work with. Recipes that are not only good food, but also detailed instructions for how to make them look like the ghoulish stuff my guests look for.

I hate to say I have them beat, but with my Halloween cookbooks, I do. Of course, there will be some of those old standbys like severed fingers and bloodshot eyeballs, but there will be plenty new and fun foods to keep everyone happy.

Besides, they will have something to talk about. It's one of those things that will keep my reputation in tack.

Even if you aren't into crazy Halloween parties, you can find recipes for more fun school treats, happy desserts and fun ideas to serve your own family. Halloween cookbooks work for so many different types of meals, treats and parties.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kids Personal Trick or Treat Bags

OK, let's get real here. What kid wouldn't love to have a trick or treat bag with their own name on it? And I'm not talking about those grocery sack bags that we had to make ourselves when we were kids.

Wait, can you still get paper grocery sacks anymore? But, I digress. How about a canvas bag designed just for Halloween with your child's own name right on the bag? Now that's a fun idea.

Besides the basic trick or treating, kids will also be attending parties and school Halloween events. You definitely want your own child to be able to find their bag easily and keep it separate from the other kid's bags. With their name right on the front, it's easy.

If you're a parent of more than one child, like I am, having a personalized treat bag for each sure helps keep the squabbling down. Everyone knows right away who's bags is whose so there's no problem.

I know how well this works. My kids all got a fun Halloween treat bag as a gift from Gramma one year. They were as delighted as I was. Each design was different, but each had their name right on the front. Halloween was just that bit easier from then on.

Whether this is your own child, or a grandchild, he or she will certainly appreciate having a personalized trick or treat bag this Halloween.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Baby Shower Invitations for Halloween

If a baby shower on or near Halloween is what you are planning, then you definitely want invitations that work great for Halloween baby showers. Luckily, you can get these. I'm not kidding.

My own granddaughter was born in early December. October was the perfect time for my daughter's baby shower. But, you have to understand that my daughter and her husband are great fans of Halloween. They go all out. So a Halloween baby shower was the perfect theme for her.

But, baby shower invitations in all the stores we looked at were boringly similar. And certainly had nothing to do with Halloween. That meant we needed to do something different. Most online stores had stock designs, or they required too much money to make it worthwhile to create a unique design.

Then we tried and found a great selection of truly fun and unique Halloween baby shower invitations. The styles were so varied, the images so varied and we could personalize them easily.

Once we chose the invitations, the rest of the baby shower fell into place. We picked decorating ideas and favors right from the design elements on the invitations. The color schemes were all right there and the whole Halloween baby shower was a huge hit.

So don't limit yourself to the standard stuff. Go with unique, unusual and fun Halloween baby shower invitations and have a hit yourself.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Fun and Funny Halloween Decorations

Does humor come into your Halloween decorating? It certainly does for me. Just to have some of those funny items that will make me laugh, make my guests chuckle or just remind us all that humor is still important makes me happy.

One of those funny things is a Halloween bathroom door cover. OK, who ever would have thought that a skeleton was funny for Halloween. But, put him on a toilet reading a paper and you have hilarious.

It's one of the things that I love about designers of Halloween decor. They have a great sense of humor. It wasn't even a Halloween party that I first introduced this funny bathroom door cover to my guests. But, they each came back from the bathroom laughing and telling others they just had to go see. Imagine how much fun you will have for your own Halloween party.

But, speaking of fun Halloween decorations, you need to see these inflatable yard pumpkins. Each with big smiling faces, they will certainly add a touch of fun to your own Halloween. Yes, they can each go with more spooky decor. I always wonder what they are grinning at! Could it be to scary stuff that awaits your party guests? Just a bit more Halloween humor for you.

It doesn't matter what kind of decor style you are going for for your own party or decorations, a little humor with a Skeleton bathroom door cover or an inflatable grinning pumpkin can add that extra touch you will love.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Halloween Party Fun with Candy Molds

Halloween is such a fun time of the year. It's one of those holidays that look forward to just about all year long. Whether you are planning a party for friends, a party for the school kids, or just want to enjoy your own fun, the Halloween foods are a big part of it.

Of course, you can have things like severed fingers styled foods, or eyeball deviled eggs, but what about those fun sweets? We all like to have little extra chocolates and desserts for any party. Halloween candy molds make it easy to create some fun or spooky food effects.

Certainly use melting chocolate so that they form into the shapes properly, but that's easy to do when you have the right kind of candy to work with. Then have some fun. Making your own Halloween candy can be a very creative endeavor if you like.

Create some faces with different colored chocolates and toothpicks, or just play with a little mixing of black and orange colors to make swirled candies. Test out a few if this is your first time. You get the fun of eating the failures!

Molded candy makes a great idea for taking to parties that you are attending as well. You can match the candy mold to the type of party. If it's to be a scary costume event, take brain shaped candies, or chocolate spiders. But, take things like pumpkins and cat shaped candy to kids parties.

No matter what your excuse, making Halloween candy using molds is always fun and creative. And always well received by your guests.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Unique Halloween Party Decorations: Bottle Labels

When I went looking for something different to help decorate for my big Halloween party this year, I found so fun ideas. New ways to add little vignettes of spooky or ghoulish decor. New party accessories and new fun inflatables to add to my party decor.

One of those really fun things I found was bottle labels in Halloween themes. Imagine having your wine bottles, beer bottles, even soda or water bottles labeled with things like: Witch's Brew, Poison, and Goblin Brains. What a fun way to add more Halloween decor to your table.

The bottle labels come in sets of 8 for a small price, so I can get lots of different kinds to make up fun decorations for my beverages. That was always a sore spot with me. I usually ended up keeping the beverage table separate and could only add a bit of decor.

While my buffet food table was loaded with those ghoulish and freakish foods all decked out as eyeballs, brains, and severed fingers, my drinks were just tubs of iced down bottles. Boring! But, this year, I will be loading my drink tubs with appropriate Halloween style beverages.

I won't completely hide the real labels. I want my guests to know what they will be drinking (the real stuff that is actually safe for them) but I do want to add more fun ideas for the decorating and dress up even the beverages. Get some Halloween beverage labels for yourself and have more fun at your party, too.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Baby Animals - The Perfect Toddler Costume

Dressing a toddle for Halloween is always great fun. Whether it's just for the fun of celebrating the holiday, or you're attending or hosting a party, including the little ones is darling.

Picking a costume for a toddler though isn't always easy. In my world, that little one who is now able to walk, even run, needs a costume to move with. Baby animals make some of the best in my opinion.

Darling little ones as darling little ones is just plain adorable. Nearly every toddler has those special stuffed animals that are part of their every day lives. The teddy bear they can't sleep without, the plush monkey that shares play time, even the over-sized stuffed lion that sits in the corner of their bedroom all are part of a toddler's world.

Choosing a baby animal costume that matches one of their own favorite plush animals is a great fit. Toddlers are aware of the match themselves and will delight in being that favorite toy.

Besides my own children, I have multiple grandchildren that toddle into Halloween all costumed out. By far, the cutest ones have been those baby animals. I afraid the memories live much longer with the adults, but that's what makes Halloween with a toddler so much fun.